10 BTS Content Ideas To Humanize Your Brand and Create Authenticity

April 12, 2024
10 bts content ideas to humanize your brand and create authenticity

Creating behind-the-scenes content can be a powerful strategy to humanize your brand and build authenticity. This kind of content idea is the golden ticket to winning over customers. By offering glimpses into the inner workings of your company, you invite customers to connect with your brand on a deeper level. 

But what exactly is authenticity in the context of branding, and why is it so important? At its core, authenticity is about being genuine, transparent, and true to your brand’s values, personality, and identity. It’s about creating an emotional resonance with your audience by showing them the real people and stories behind your brand.

One powerful strategy for cultivating authenticity is providing a behind-the-scenes (BTS) look at your brand, team, or production process. By offering glimpses into the inner workings of your company, you invite customers to go beyond the surface and connect with you on a deeper level. This approach not only humanizes your brand but also fosters trust and loyalty among your audience. 

So, how can you effectively implement a behind-the-scenes strategy to enhance authenticity and strengthen your brand’s connection with your audience?

10 BTS Content Ideas To Elevate Your Brand

1. Meet the Team

working together

Introducing the team behind your brand is more than just a formality; it’s an opportunity to build authentic connections with your audience. In a digital world where interactions can often feel impersonal, putting a spotlight on the faces and stories behind your brand can help create a sense of familiarity and trust. By showcasing your team members, you not only provide customers with a glimpse into the inner workings of your company but also highlight the diverse talents and expertise that drive your success. From the CEO to the newest intern, each team member plays a unique role in shaping the identity and culture of your brand.

2. Office Tours

This is a unique opportunity to invite your customers into the heart of your business, providing them with an insider’s view of your workspace. By taking your audience on a virtual tour of your office, you offer them a behind-the-scenes look at where the magic happens. Whether your office is a sleek corporate environment, a cozy co-working space, or a bustling creative studio, sharing glimpses of your work environment can provide valuable insight into your company culture and values.

You can also highlight key features of your office, such as collaborative work areas, breakout spaces, or amenities like a kitchen or lounge area. This not only gives customers a sense of the physical layout of your workspace but also reflects your brand’s priorities and values.

3. Product Development Journey

presenting idea

Sharing the product development journey from conception to launch is a compelling way to engage your audience and showcase the dedication and creativity behind your brand. It offers a transparent glimpse into the process of bringing a product or service to life, highlighting the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned along the way.

By sharing this journey, you demonstrate your commitment to quality and innovation, as well as your willingness to be open and transparent with your audience. It humanizes your brand by showing the real people and stories behind the product, fostering a deeper connection with your customers.

4. Day in the Life

Offering a glimpse into a typical day in the life of your team members provides an authentic and candid view of your company’s inner workings. It allows your audience to experience the rhythm and dynamics of your workplace, fostering transparency and connection.

By showcasing various aspects of a typical day, such as morning routines, team meetings, collaborative sessions, and individual tasks, you provide insight into the daily routines and challenges faced by your team. This humanizes your brand by putting faces to the names behind your products or services, making your company more relatable and approachable to your audience.

5. Behind-the-Scenes of Campaigns

wearing business attire

Pulling back the curtain on your marketing campaigns and sharing the behind-the-scenes process can provide valuable insight into the creative journey of your brand. By showcasing the brainstorming sessions, strategy meetings, and evolution of ideas from concept to execution, you offer your audience a deeper understanding of the thought and effort that goes into crafting compelling campaigns.

Sharing BTS content from your campaigns refines your brand by revealing the faces and voices behind the marketing messages. It demonstrates the collaborative effort of your team and highlights the passion and dedication invested in delivering impactful campaigns to your audience.

6. Customer Stories

Featuring real-life stories from your customers is a powerful way to improve your brand and build credibility through social proof. These stories provide authentic testimonials that showcase the tangible impact your product or service has had on people’s lives.

By sharing these stories, you create a connection between your brand and your audience on a personal level. These narratives go beyond mere marketing messages, offering genuine insights into how your offerings solve problems, fulfill needs, or enhance experiences for real people.

7. Employee Spotlights

Employee spotlights offer a valuable opportunity to showcase the talented individuals who contribute to your brand’s success. By highlighting team members through interviews or spotlights, you not only humanize your brand but also celebrate the diversity, skills, and passion within your organization.

This provides insight into the personal and professional journeys of your employees, allowing them to share their experiences, motivations, and contributions to your brand’s mission. By giving them a platform to tell their stories, you demonstrate that your company values and appreciates the unique talents and perspectives of its team members.

8. Charity and Community Involvement

Your brand’s involvement in charitable initiatives and community events is a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment to social responsibility and making a positive impact beyond your business’s bottom line. By sharing photos, videos, and stories of your team giving back and making a difference, you not only help your brand but also inspire others to join in and support worthy causes.

Charity and community involvement allow you to connect with your audience on a deeper level by aligning with shared values and concerns. When customers see that your company is actively engaged in making the world a better place, they are more likely to feel a sense of pride and affiliation with your brand.

9. Q&A Sessions

This offers a dynamic platform for direct interaction between your audience and your team members or company leadership. Whether hosted live or pre-recorded, these sessions provide a valuable opportunity for your audience to ask questions, share feedback, and gain deeper insights into your brand.

One of the key benefits of Q&A sessions is that they foster a sense of connection and transparency. By allowing your audience to engage directly with your team members or leadership, you create a more personal and authentic experience.

10. Bloopers and Outtakes

Sharing bloopers, outtakes, and behind-the-scenes mishaps is a delightful way to inject humor and authenticity into your brand’s content. These lighthearted moments offer a glimpse into the human side of your team and demonstrate that perfection isn’t always the goal. Instead, they showcase the fun, spontaneity, and camaraderie that exist within your company. By sharing this kind of content, you boost your brand and make it more relatable to your audience. Rather than presenting a polished and curated image, you embrace the imperfections and quirks that make your team unique.


Behind-the-scenes content offers a powerful way to humanize your brand and build authenticity. By showcasing the people, processes, and values that define your brand, you can forge deeper connections with your audience and establish trust and credibility in a crowded marketplace. So, don’t be afraid to peel back the curtain and invite your audience behind the scenes—you never know what kind of magic might happen.

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10 BTS Content Ideas To Humanize Your Brand and Create Authenticity

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